Family Web Site
4. Ida Rightmire (Ida3 Rightmire, Harrison2, James1, Sr.) Ida Rightmire was the eighth and last child of Amy and Harrison Rightmire. She was born in 1860. We found some Christmas cards from Ida that my Dad got from his grandparents after they died. The cards, themselves, were difficult to read, but the computer copies, which I enlarged and adjusted clarity, are quite readable. The following are the total content in these cards:
I had the New York Libraries (reference: NYPL Express) search 1910 and 1920 Manhattan Census records for 1910 and 1920 and Trow General Directories for New York City. They found four separate listings for Ida Rightmire: The 1910, 1911, and 1915 Trow's General Directory of the Boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, and the Index (Soundex) to the 1920 Federal Population Census for New York. The first two editions of the Trow Directory (1910 and 1911) list Ida Rightmire as a milliner and the third (1915) edition lists Ida as a "Claudette Importer". Ida is not listed in subsequent editions. In the 1920 Census Index, Ida is listed as age 58, single, and staying as a lodger with Helene Bell at #102 84th Street in New York County (Manhattan). She is listed as a milliner in a Millinery Shop. She lists herself as a worker and not as "working on own" or owner. The Trow Directory lists businesses, so Ida must have been in business for herself until about 1915. This is consistent with her message on her 1912 Christmas card. As expected, she, her mother, and her father are listed as being born in Ohio. Ida apparently never married, never had children, and likely retired in New York. No census data are available until 75 years after the date is taken, so we can't get the 1930 census for five more years. I suspect I could find Ida's death certificate, but have not done so, yet. The census data indicates that Ida was born in 1862 (or 1861), not 1860 as in records I obtained from others. I know Edwin wrote to Ida on occasion - from her reply - and she obviously maintained contact with Grandma Rightmire. We have a picture of Grandma in New York after Winfield's death and Edwin lived just across the river from her when he moved to Jersey City. They must have contacted her on many occasions. I continue to be amazed why we never heard anything about her. |