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3. Eleanor Rightmire and Joseph C. Hutchinson (Eleanor3 Rightmire, John R.2, James1, Sr. )) (3) Eleanor Rightmire, born in Ohio in about 1852. Eleanor married Joseph C. Hutchinson in about 1895. Section 3 covers the Eleanor Rightmire - Joseph C. Hutchinson story. Eleanor died of a heart attack December 11, 1918 in Kansas City, Missouri. She is buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Kansas City, Missouri, along with her father and other family members. The following funeral notice appeared in the Kansas City Times on Tuesday, December 10, 1918:
Joseph Hutchinson was also born in Ohio - in about 1863. He died several years earlier than Eleanor, on August 4, 1913 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. James E. Rightmire provided some interesting information on Joseph Hutchinson, taken from the front page of the August 4, 1913 Kansas City Star newspaper: "CATTLEMAN DIES AT THE YARD" "Joseph C. Hutchison of 1210 Holmes Street, a live stock commission dealer since 1887, and a member of the firm of Hutchison Commission Company, died of heart disease this morning while yarding cattle at the stock yards. His death was preceded by a violent fall." "John D. Hutchison, who was about ten feet away from Joseph C. Hutchinson, his partner, when death came, told how the fall occurred." "A hay wagon drove up to the side of the fence where my partner was yarding cattle," Mr. Hutchinson said. "He stepped aside to get out of the way. At the same time the gate was being opened. My partner's foot caught under the gate, throwing him to the ground. I never saw a man fall so hard. Death came almost instantly." "Mr. Hutchinson had been in poor health for two months. He is survived by a widow, Mrs. Nell Hutchinson. Mr. Hutchison went to Wilson County, Kansas, in 1880 from Freeport, Ohio, and in 1887, moved to Kansas City. He was about 50 years old." The following funeral notice appeared in the Kansas City Star Newspaper on August 6, 1913: