The Colopy Family Story
Welcome to the Colopy Family Geneology Home Page*
This is a story about three families, the Colopys, the Sapps, and the Arnolds. The story is told through several hundred
individual pages, each interconnected by the same format used on the internet. You can start anywhere and end anywhere. However,
it is probably easiest to start with the first entry for each family:
Jacob Colopy George Sapp (II) Anthony Arnold (III)
Just "click" on the name and start the story.
Or if you prefer, go directly a list of four generations of the Sapp Family or four generations of the Colopy Family.
These lists are organized by generation so that you can see who your cousins are.
Descendants of George Sapp II Descendants of Jacob Colopy
*The information for this story was the result of a cooperative effort by Cheryl Quinn and Bob Rightmire. Major references
were Family Tree Maker files v17t0047 and v20t2014; "St. Lukes Records 1829 - early 1900s", and "Western Maryland Catholics